Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Netherlands guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan

Netherlands is guilty of serious violations of the war in Afghanistan. These are the words of two lawyers who have done yesterday declaration against the Dutch government on the summit of the Armed Forces as reported by the Dutch magazine Trouw.

The Dutch troops have not adequately taken into account the presence of civilians.

According to the lawyers Nico Steijnen and Meindert Stelling, who actively work for the association Lawyers for Peace, these allegations include a battle in the district of Chora where Dutch troops killed between fifty and seventy civilians.

Most of them are according to independent investigation slain by Dutch fire.

The NATO commander in the province of Uruzgan described the use of heavy infantry, which is in violation of war rules but his superiors have a different view regarding this matter according to the Dutch newspaper Trouw.

Het Openbaar Ministerie doet al onderzoek naar het gevecht in Chora in juni, maar volgens de vredesadvocaten heeft Nederland al in 2003 in Afghanistan burgerslachtoffers gemaakt.

The Public Ministry has been conducting an investigation into the battle of Chora since June, but according to the ‘vredesadvocaten’ lawyers of peace, the Netherlands already killed civilians in Afghanistan in 2003.

The lawyers declare in the newspaper that the NATO has given itself ‘carte blanche’ the license to execute the leaders of the Taliban outside the law.

The declaration covers also following Dutch persons, Commander of the Armed Forces Dick Berlin and Secretary-General of NATO Jaap de hoop Scheffer and the highest officials of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence.

According to Trouw it is expected Wednesday to be known whether the Public Ministry will accept the complaints.

The lawyers, who previously tried to get the Netherlands prosecuted for air strikes in the former Yugoslavia, have already stated to go to a higher court in case the Public Ministry doesn’t want to accept the complaints.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Netherlands heading for a Clash With Islam

The Netherlands has gained international attention by becoming the most recent European nation to stir up against Islam. Geert Wilders, chairman of the recently formed Netherlands’ Freedom Party, called the Koran “an inspiration for murder” and said that if the prophet Mohammed were alive today, he would have him “tarred and feathered as an extremist and deported if he were in Holland.” Wilder has produced a film he plans to air this March on how the Koran inspires murder.

It is becoming increasingly common in Europe for politicians to speak out against Islam. Bavarian Premier Edmund Stoiber decried the multiplying number of Islamic mosques in Bavaria this past September. Austrian candidate for the Graz City Council Susanne Winter made headlines for saying that Islam should be “thrown back where it came from, behind the Mediterranean.” Now Geert Wilders has joined the ranks of politicians disgruntled by Islam’s spread across Europe.

What makes Wilders’s actions even more serious, however, is the fact that he is actually producing a film propagating his views. This is taking it a step beyond just making a statement in a speech. Up to this point, all the most controversial films and cartoons about Islam have been produced by cartoonists, journalists, artists or filmmakers (like Theo van Gogh).

Iran has already expressed outrage against Wilders’s proposed film. “We expect the Dutch government to prevent screening of such a film. Otherwise, the Majlis MPs will call on the Iranian government to review its relations with Holland,” said Iranian Foreign Policy Chairman Alaeddin Borujerdi. He warned that the Muslim world would not tolerate any kind of insult to Islam and that “extensive repercussions from Muslims throughout the globe” would occur if the film is shown.

In the past, the leaders of European nations have apologized for and culled any images that the Islamic world has raised outrage against. This time around, the Dutch seem set to stand up for their so called free speech. Instead of banning the release of the film, the Dutch government has prepared evacuation plans for its Middle East embassies and held emergency meetings with Dutch counterterrorism services.

Dutch government officials have called for EU support in the event of a Islamic backlash against the film. On the sidlines of a recent informal EU meeting in Slovenia, Luxembourg Justice Minister Luc Frieden said, “We must also protect those who may be hurt or harmed by irresponsible statements …. It is our moral duty to call upon everybody, to make people aware, so that they do not abuse their fundamental rights.” Islamic repercussions against Wilders’s film may extend far beyond the borders of the Netherlands. The European Union is preparing for this eventuallity.

Offending Islam and Islamophobia is considered in most of the European countries as free speech, but don't try to raise any issue regarding the Jewish community because you might risk a ban and end up in jail.

Wilders and his film worry Dutch expats

Dutch people living abroad are worried about the effects of right-wing politician Geert Wilders' anti-Qu'ran film. In recent weeks Dutch embassies have been busy making emergency plans, a move which many people have judged as an over-reaction. However, Dutch expats in Islamic countries in particular say that they are already having problems as a result of comments made by Wilders and that they are beginning to fear for their personal safety.

More than 1000 Dutch participants in Radio Netherlands Worldwide's Global Forum - all of them living outside the Netherlands - have responded to questions put to them about the commotion surrounding the Wilders' film, which has yet to be released.

The Dutch embassies' fears of a possible violent reaction seem to have escaped the attention of the majority of the respondents. However, of those living in Islamic countries, nine percent say they had been approached by or received relevant information from their embassy.
For the rest, most of the Dutch expats seem fairly calm and believe the media have devoted too much attention to Mr Wilders' comments. Furthermore, there was no talk of any of them returning - temporarily or otherwise - to the Netherlands in connection with this issue.

Geert Wilders, leader of the new Freedom Party, has been major news in the Netherlands for weeks with his anti-Qu'ran film, even though no one has seen a single second of it and it's not yet known where and when it will be released.

For many people, though, they simply have to think back to what happened following the release of Theo van Gogh's film Submission in 2004. He was killed by an extremist Muslim several months later.

Many Dutch expats are concerned about their own position and no fewer than nine out of ten believe that Wilders' has put his own life in danger too. Around half of the respondents to the RNW survey warn that Dutch firms could soon be boycotted as a result of the film.

A somewhat smaller percentage fears that there could also be attacks on Dutch targets. However, the most remarkable finding concerns the number of Dutch citizens in Islamic countries who say they are already facing problems or even danger in connection with Geert Wilders: 43 percent.

Even in Islamic countries, however, the majority of the expats who responded to the survey believe that Wilders should be able to say whatever he wants and that the Dutch government should not take action against the film. While they think that his statements are indeed polarising Dutch society and offensive to a large group of people, nearly two-thirds believe that he is only saying what most people think.

Dutch expats say the politicians in The Hague are the ones who are really responsible. At least three-quarters place the blame not on Wilders but on the larger, mainstream political parties for avoiding issues concerning foreigners and immigration.

The expats are for the most part more moderate in their opinion of ‘Islamification' than Wilders. Although even in Islamic countries there is a group of eight percent which agrees with his view that Islam is a ‘backward' culture.

A small majority of the Dutch expats thinks that the influence of Islam will become a problem for the Netherlands. However, the figure is a bit lower among expats who live in Islamic countries, and most expats do not believe that the Netherlands will become Islamicised.

They also do not agree with Wilders' controversial remark that Integration Minister Ella Vogelaar is "bonkers" for saying that the Netherlands is becoming a society with a Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. Most of those questioned even think that this is plausible, although they are not quite so sure of whether they should be happy about this.

Join the conversation
A majority of those surveyed say that Wilders receives little media attention in the country in which they live and that they are not aware of anyone within their immediate circle who knows anything about Wilders' statements.

However where there are other people who have heard of him, he's the topic of the day: more than 70 percent then discuss the Wilders issue and fully intend to stay part of the debate.

Join the conversation
A majority of those surveyed say that Wilders receives little media attention in the country in which they live and that in their neighbourhood they aren't aware of anyone who knows anything about Wilders' statements.

However in places where the issue is in the news it's the topic of the day: more than 70 percent discuss the Wilders issue. And they are fully intent on joining the conversation, whether they think it's a hype or not. Few people are planning to avoid the topic. They would rather know what all the commotion is about.

Friday, January 25, 2008

قاطعوا هولندة يا أمة محمد

في حلقة جديدة من مسلسل العنصرية المتنامية في الدول الأوروبية ضد الإسلام والمسلمين، فشلت الحكومة الهولندية في إقناع زعيم حزب الحرية المتطرف جيريت فيلدرز بالتراجع عن عزمه عرض فيلم مسيء لمشاعر المسلمين عن القرآن الكريم الذي يصفه بالكتاب الفاشي والمرعب.

وكان فيلدرز شبه في تصريحات سابقة له القرآن الكريم ب"كتاب كفاحي فاشي" لهتلر، وذكر أن الأجدر بالمسلمين أن يتخلوا عنه، أو يحذفوا كل الآيات التي تحض على القتل والكراهية، "حتى يصبح كتيباً يشبه إلى حد ما قصص الأطفال"، على حد ما ورد في افتراءات هذا المتطرف الهولندي

تصريحات المتطرف فيلدرز

دأب زعيم حزب الحرية الهولندي اليميني المتطرف خيرت فيلدرز على مهاجمة الإسلام والمسلمين، حيث قال في تصريحات نشرت له مؤخرا: إن "الإسلام لا يستحق الاحترام، بل تجب محاربته بوصفه إيديولوجية فاشية غير متسامحة"، على حد زعمه، منتقدا البيان الذي يدعو إلى احترام المسلمين والتسامح معهم، الذي وقعه عدد من الشخصيات الهولندية البارزة، ونشر الاسبوع الماضي في صحيفة (تليخراف) الهولندية، واصفا إياه ب "عمل حمقى سذج"، كما انتقد غير المسلمين الذين يتعاطفون مع المسلمين ويقدمون مصالحهم.
كما لم يسلم النبي عليه السلام من لسان هذا السياسي الهولندي الموتور، حيث وصفه عليه السلام ب "الرجل الفظيع"، وتمنى لو يرمي بكتاب الله العزيز في القمامة، على حد ما ورد في بعض التصريحات الكثيرة المسيئة التي تبرز أحقاد هذا السياسي الهولندي تجاه الإسلام والمسلمين.

وكان فيلدرز قد طالب بإصدار قرار حكومي بحظر القرآن الكريم ومصادرة تداوله أو بيع المصاحف على الأراضي الهولندية. وقال "إن هذا الكتاب (المصحف الشريف) كان يجب حظر تداوله أو ترويجه في هولندا منذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية، لأنه كتاب فاشي ذو تعاليم فاشية".

وتمادى فيلدرز في تطرفه قائلا "يجب منع تداول القرآن أو قراءته في المساجد والمنازل، ومن يضبط بحوزته القرآن يجب أن تتم معاقبته، فمصادرته ستكون علامة وإشارة هولندية لرفض العنف بين المسلمين".

ونقلت جريدة "الوطن" السعودية عن بيان المجلس قوله "قد نتفهم تخوف المنتمين لحزب الحرية من الإسلام لعدم وضوحه أمامهم، ولكن لا يجب على فيلدرز مؤاخذة القرآن بما ترتكبه قلة من العنف ولا يجب اعتباره يدعو للعنف"، مشيرا إلى أنه سبق وأن دعا المجلس الإسلامي والمؤسسات الإسلامية فيلدرز للحوار وتوضيح الرؤيا حول الإسلام، لكنه لم يستجب لهذه الدعوات.

كما ندد أئمة المساجد في هولندا بتصريحات فيلدرز، واعتبروها غير مسؤولة ولا تمثل الحكومة أو الشعب الهولندي، وبادر الأئمة بمطالبة المسلمين بالتروي والهدوء، وإثبات رغبتهم في التعايش السلمي على الأراضي الهولندية.
إلى ذلك، رفض 75% من الهولنديين مطلب فيلدرز بحظر القرآن في الأراضي الهولندية ومصادرة نسخ المصحف ومعاقبة من يتداولها، وقالوا في استطلاع للرأي أجرته إذاعة هولندا، وأذيعت نتائجه أمس إنه ليس من حق فيلدرز المطالبة بذلك أو نشر هذا الرأى بالإعلام الهولندي.

ولم يدعم مطلب فيلدرز وتوجهاته المعادية للإسلام سوى 19 % فقط، فيما طالب 31% ممن أجري عليهم استطلاع الرأي، الصحف والإعلام بعدم نشر مثل هذه المطالب مجددا. كما طالب 29% من الهولنديين في الاستطلاع بضرورة تتبع أو ملاحقة فيلدرز قانونيا، لأن ما قاله يعد نشرا للكراهية والعداء داخل المجتمع الهولندي.

والله ان تمسكنا بكتابه الله واتباع سنه نبينا صلى الله عليه وعلىآاله وصحبه وسلم لهى الرد الحقيقى على ما نعانيه من هجوم ضد الاسلام والله لو منعو بيعه فى اوربا كلها لما استطاعوا ان يمنعونا من نشره بالسنتنا وافعالنا التى تسير على منهج القرآن والسنه المطهره
والى جميع المتشككين فى ان هناك حرب على الاسلام الم يعد الان الامر واضحا جليا لكل من كان له عقل
المقصود هنا ان نصحى ونعي ما يدور حولنا وان نزداد تمسك بديننا الحنيف ونكثر من طاعاتنا حتى نكون اهل لهذا الدين الذي يحسدنا عليه الداني والقاصي .انهم لم ولن يكفوا عن محاولاتهم لايذائنا وايذاء ديننا ولكن لنكثر من ذكر الله ونصلح من انفسنا ونرجع الى الله ونتوكل على الواحد الاحد حتى نكون كالطوفان في وجوههم ويعزنا الله عز وجل ويظهرنا عليهم.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Netherlands is facing a huge boycott in Muslim world

Tensions are growing over the expected release of a film by Geert Wilders, leader of the right-wing populist Freedom Party. At the end of last year Mr Wilders announced he was working on a film about the Koran as "a source of inspiration for intolerance, murder and terror". Dutch ministers have apparently been holding secret meetings about the film for some time. They are concerned about its possible repercussions in the Netherlands and abroad.

During a visit to the European Parliament in Strasburg this week, Syria's Grand Mufti Ahmad Badr al-Din Hassoun said that if the Freedom Party leader tears up or burns a Koran in his film,

"this will simply mean he is inciting wars and bloodshed. And he will be responsible. It is the responsibility of the Dutch people to stop Wilders."
The Muslim cleric's tone is reminiscent of the crisis that followed the publishing of the Danish cartoons of Mohammed two years ago. His words are all the more ominous considering that the most violent protests took place in Syria.

Secret meetings

Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party, which has nine seats in the 150-member Dutch Lower House

The Dutch authorities are concerned about the possible repercussions of the anti-Koran film which Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders plans to release at the end of January.

On Wednesday it was announced that Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, Interior Minister Guusje ter Horst and Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin have been holding secret meetings about the expected consequences for some time. The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Tjibbe Joustra, is also involved in the discussions.

Mr Wilders announced his plans last November. He said he was making a film to show that the Koran is a fascist book which incites believers to violence and hatred.

Mr Wilders' remarks about Islam have become increasingly radical since the beginning of 2007. In February last year he said that if Muslims want to stay in the Netherlands they should tear out half the Koran and throw it away. In parliament he then called for the Koran to be banned, a proposal that was promptly rejected.

Mr Wilders now appears to be continuing his campaign against the Koran with this film. However, its exact content and where it will be shown remains shrouded in mystery. The big question is whether he will publicly desecrate the Koran, perhaps by tearing it up or burning it.


Shortly after Mr Wilders had announced the making of his film, the interior and justice ministers held an interview with him, warning him of its possible repercussions and the associated risks to him personally. It appears that in November the interior minister also sent a letter to all mayors in the Netherlands, asking them to be 'extra alert' to the tensions that might arise, even before the film is released. "The announcement of the film," she wrote, "could lead to unrest in society and tension between population groups."

Police forces in major cities such as Amsterdam and Rotterdam say they are preparing for possible disturbances after the premiere of the notorious film, and seeking the cooperation of imams and other leading figures in the Muslim communities.

Danish cartoons

The Dutch authorities are also concerned about the reaction abroad, bearing in mind the spectre of the Danish cartoon crisis two years ago, when in many Muslim countries demonstrations were held, some of which turned violent. Dutch embassies in Islamic countries have received instructions on how to respond to possible violent protests against the film, and Dutch citizens abroad have been asked to register with their embassies in case evacuation becomes necessary.

Earlier this week Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen was in Madrid to attend the Alliance of Civilisations, an international forum aimed at reducing tensions between the Islamic world and the West. He was repeatedly questioned about the film. Addressing the forum he spoke about freedom of religion and expression.

"It is difficult to anticipate the content of the film, but freedom of expression doesn't mean the right to offend."

If the film is unacceptable, said Mr Verhagen, the Dutch government will express its disagreement in no uncertain terms. After the Danish cartoon crisis, various experts said they believed the wave of protest around the world might have been prevented if the Danish government had immediately distanced itself from the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Anti-Islamisation campaign in Belgium

Far-right groups are calling for a ban on the building of new mosques as part of a new campaign to stop the spread of radical Islam in Europe.

Belgium's far-right Vlaams Belang party teamed up with radical groups from Austria and Germany on Thursday to launch a Charter to 'fight the Islamisation of West-European cities'.

"We are not opposed to freedom of religion but we don't want Muslims to impose their way of life and traditions over here because much of it is not compatible with our way of life," Vlaams Belang's Filip Dewinter told Radio Netherlands Worldwide. "We can't accept headscarves in our schools, forced marriages and the ritual slaughter of animals."

Mosques as catalysts
In particular, the coalition called for a moratorium on new mosques, which they say "act as catalysts for the Islamisation of entire neighbourhoods."

"We already have over 6,000 mosques in Europe, which are not only a place to worship but also a symbol of radicalisation, some financed by extreme groups in Saudi Arabia or Iran," Mr Dewinter explained, citing a large new mosque being built in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam. "Its minarets are six floors high, higher than the illuminations of the Feyenoord soccer stadium!" he cried. "These kinds of symbols have to stop."

However, it is unclear how the group plans to tackle perceived threats such as the teaching of the Koran, apart from holding rallies in European cities with high immigrant populations.

No support
Aside from Austria's Freedom Party (FPö), there was a notable absence of other political heavyweights during the press conference in the Flemish city of Antwerp. A spokesman for Italy's Allianza Nazionale said he was unaware of the Charter, though his party too was looking at the issue of the new mosques. Dutch right-wing maverick politician Geert Wilders, who is currently producing a film about the danger of the Koran, also stayed away.

But Mr Dewinter seems unruffled by the paltry political support: "This movement may be small today but I am convinced it will grow into something major."

News of the Charter was greeted with dismay in Antwerp's Borgerhout, a multi-cultural neighbourhood counting over 90 nationalities.

"It's pure provocation," shrugged Said El Fetri, a Moroccan shopkeeper. "I have Belgians, East Europeans, Jews and Muslims coming in and out of my shop, there are no problems with integration here." Standing next to his counter of Halal meat, he added: "I am a Muslim but that doesn't mean that I don't live by the rules of this country."

However, another local shopkeeper, Mohammed, was gloomier: "I've lived here for almost 40 years. Me and my children are perfectly integrated but these kinds of campaigns worry me. In ten years' time, it won't be possible for us to live side by side like this anymore."

Preaching peace
Some worshippers coming out of prayer at Belgium's biggest mosque in Brussels, meanwhile, were alarmed that their place of worship was being singled out. "Mosques are places where we preach peace," said Fatimah, a student in her early twenties. "Everyone has the right to have a space to pray and be spiritual. Catholics have churches, Jews synagogues, we have mosques. This is what helps us feel part of this country, not separate from it."

Counter charter
Last week, the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) launched its own Charter to promote better understanding of Islam in Europe. It was signed in Brussels by Muslim organisations from 28 European states with the aim to "enhance the values of mutual understanding, working for peace and the welfare of society, moderation and inter-cultural dialogue, removed from all inclinations of extremism and exclusion."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Geert Wilders is evil, and evil has to be stopped

The welcome campaign launched by the prominent Christian Democrat and former trade unionist Doekle Terpstra against anti-Muslim racist Geert Wilders has been roundly denounced by the Right.

At Pipeline News Bella Rabinowitz (who finds it significant that the campaign is supported by "the ultra-left Amnesty International") denounces Terpstra's initiative as an attempt to deny freedom of speech to Geert Wilders and claims that "the assault on Wilders is reminiscent of the hysteria which led to the assassination of another Dutch politician, Pim Fortuyn".

Over at the Brussels Journal Thomas Landen opines: "Last month one of Holland’s most prestigious institutes, the University of Leiden, appointed the Islamist ideologue Tariq Ramadan to the post of professor of Islamology. Mr Ramadan is at least as controversial as Mr Wilders. One wonders why Mr Terpstra, contrary to Mr Wilders, did not oppose Mr Ramadan's appointment. Mr Terpstra did not make any effort to say 'Tariq Ramadan is evil, and has to be stopped'. Why has no-one heard him call upon his countrymen 'to rise in order to stop Ramadan'?"

سياسي هولندي متطرف يقرر عرض فيلم يسيء للقرآن الكريم

محيط - وكالات

الزعيم اليميني الهولندي جيريت فيلدرز

في حلقة جديدة من مسلسل العنصرية المتنامية في الدول الأوروبية ضد الإسلام والمسلمين، فشلت الحكومة الهولندية في إقناع زعيم حزب الحرية المتطرف جيريت فيلدرز بالتراجع عن عزمه عرض فيلم مسيء لمشاعر المسلمين عن القرآن الكريم الذي يصفه بالكتاب الفاشي والمرعب.

وكان فيلدرز شبه في تصريحات سابقة له القرآن الكريم بـ"كتاب كفاحي فاشي" لهتلر، وذكر أن الأجدر بالمسلمين أن يتخلوا عنه، أو يحذفوا كل الآيات التي تحض على القتل والكراهية، "حتى يصبح كتيباً يشبه إلى حد ما قصص الأطفال"، على حد ما ورد في افتراءات هذا المتطرف الهولندي.

ويقول مراقبون إن الفيلم الذي ينتجه فيلدرز، سيكون تكملة لفيلم "الخضوع" الذي أخرجه المخرج السينمائي الهولندي ثيو فان خوخ ، والذي وردت فيه مشاهد أجساد نساء عاريات، كتبت عليها آيات قرآنية، وبعد عرضه في التلفزيون بثلاثة أشهر استطاع شاب مغربي يدعى محمد بوييري أن يقتله، وحكم على بوييري بالسجن المؤبد، لكنه تقبل الحكم بهدوء لأنه جاء نتيجة دفاعه عن الإسلام.

ونعود لقضية المتطرف فيلدرز، حيث قالت اللجنة الوطنية للدفاع عن حقوق المغاربة في هولندا إنها قررت استدعاء رؤساء الجمعيات والمنظمات ولجان المساجد المغربية وفعاليات سياسية وثقافية وإعلامية مغربية للاجتماع يوم 20 الشهر الحالي للنظر في التدابير التي يمكن اتخاذها لتفادي اندلاع حرب أهلية جديدة بين المغاربة والمسلمين من جهة والهولنديين من جهة أخرى بسبب قرار فيلدرز

وقال جمال الدين العارف العضو المسؤول في اللجنة المذكورة في تصريح لجريدة "الخليج" الاماراتية، إنه يهيب بمنظمات حقوق الإنسان المغربية والعربية والنادي الدبلوماسي العربي في لاهاي ومنظمة المؤتمر الإسلامي للتحرك من اجل الضغط على الحكومة الهولندية، لإجبار فيلدرز على التراجع عن قراره، وأوضح أن هذه المبادرة جاءت للحيلولة من دون وقوع ردود أفعال غير مسؤولة قد تضر بالجالية المغربية والمسلمة في هولندا.

وأضاف أن اللجنة أخذت على عاتقها مسؤولية الدفاع عن حقوق المغاربة وهي مستعدة لمواجهة اطروحات اليمين المتطرف الاستفزازية، والتي سيكون لها انعكاسات سلبية على الجالية المغربية والمسلمة وعلى المصالح الهولندية في الخارج.

ونظراً لأن الدستور الهولندي يعتبر حرية التعبير مقدسة، عجزت الحكومة الهولندية عن إقناعه بالتراجع في محاولات سابقة، كما أن أغلبية الشعب الهولندي ترفض عرض الفيلم، وترى أن نتائجه ستكون كارثية على المجتمع الهولندي والمصالح الهولندية في الخارج.

وترى اللجنة الوطنية للدفاع عن حقوق المغاربة التي تضم شخصيات مغربية مهمة على الساحة الهولندية أن مثل هذه الاستفزازات لا تخدم السلم والتعايش، وإنما تغذي نيران التطرف لدى المتعصبين بالدين، واليمينيين الهولنديين الجدد.

يذكر ان عددا من الدول الاوروبية شهد خلال العام الماضي حملة عنصرية شرسة ضد الإسلام والمسلمين، روج لها عدد من المنظمات والهيئات المعادية للإسلام ووصل الأمر ببعضها إلى المطالبة بتصريح رسمي للتظاهر ضد ما يعتبرونه "الخطر الاسلامي" في أوروبا، داعين إلى طرد المسلمين ايا كانت جنسياتهم من القارة العجوز.

تصريحات المتطرف فيلدرز

دأب زعيم حزب الحرية الهولندي اليميني المتطرف خيرت فيلدرز على مهاجمة الإسلام والمسلمين، حيق قال في تصريحات نشرت له مؤخرا: إن "الإسلام لا يستحق الاحترام، بل تجب محاربته بوصفه إيديولوجية فاشية غير متسامحة"، على حد زعمه، منتقدا البيان الذي يدعو إلى احترام المسلمين والتسامح معهم، الذي وقعه عدد من الشخصيات الهولندية البارزة، ونشر الاسبوع الماضي في صحيفة (تليخراف) الهولندية، واصفا إياه بـ "عمل حمقى سذج"، كما انتقد غير المسلمين الذين يتعاطفون مع المسلمين ويقدمون مصالحهم.

كما لم يسلم النبي عليه السلام من لسان هذا السياسي الهولندي الموتور، حيث وصفه عليه السلام بـ "الرجل الفظيع"، وتمنى لو يرمي بكتاب الله العزيز في القمامة، على حد ما ورد في بعض التصريحات الكثيرة المسيئة التي تبرز أحقاد هذا السياسي الهولندي تجاه الإسلام والمسلمين.

وكان فيلدرز قد طالب بإصدار قرار حكومي بحظر القرآن الكريم ومصادرة تداوله أو بيع المصاحف على الأراضي الهولندية. وقال "إن هذا الكتاب (المصحف الشريف) كان يجب حظر تداوله أو ترويجه في هولندا منذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية، لأنه كتاب فاشي ذو تعاليم فاشية".

وتمادى فيلدرز في تطرفه قائلا "يجب منع تداول القرآن أو قراءته في المساجد والمنازل، ومن يضبط بحوزته القرآن يجب أن تتم معاقبته، فمصادرته ستكون علامة وإشارة هولندية لرفض العنف بين المسلمين".

ردود الافعال على تصريحات فيلدرز

أثارت تصريحات فيلدرز عاصفة احتجاجات من مسلمي هولندا، فقد طالب المجلس الإسلامي في هولندا الذي يضم أكثر من 40 مؤسسة إسلامية، فيلدرز بإجراء حوار مع أعضاء المجلس حول الإسلام، لإزالة المخاوف منه وتوضيح الشريعة على حقيقتها.

ونقلت جريدة "الوطن" السعودية عن بيان المجلس قوله "قد نتفهم تخوف المنتمين لحزب الحرية من الإسلام لعدم وضوحه أمامهم، ولكن لا يجب على فيلدرز مؤاخذة القرآن بما ترتكبه قلة من العنف ولا يجب اعتباره يدعو للعنف"، مشيرا إلى أنه سبق وأن دعا المجلس الإسلامي والمؤسسات الإسلامية فيلدرز للحوار وتوضيح الرؤيا حول الإسلام، لكنه لم يستجب لهذه الدعوات.

كما ندد أئمة المساجد في هولندا بتصريحات فيلدرز، واعتبروها غير مسؤولة ولا تمثل الحكومة أو الشعب الهولندي، وبادر الأئمة بمطالبة المسلمين بالتروي والهدوء، وإثبات رغبتهم في التعايش السلمي على الأراضي الهولندية.

إلى ذلك، رفض 75% من الهولنديين مطلب فيلدرز بحظر القرآن في الأراضي الهولندية ومصادرة نسخ المصحف ومعاقبة من يتداولها، وقالوا في استطلاع للرأي أجرته إذاعة هولندا، وأذيعت نتائجه أمس إنه ليس من حق فيلدرز المطالبة بذلك أو نشر هذا الرأى بالإعلام الهولندي.

ولم يدعم مطلب فيلدرز وتوجهاته المعادية للإسلام سوى 19 % فقط، فيما طالب 31% ممن أجري عليهم استطلاع الرأي، الصحف والإعلام بعدم نشر مثل هذه المطالب مجددا. كما طالب 29% من الهولنديين في الاستطلاع بضرورة تتبع أو ملاحقة فيلدرز قانونيا، لأن ما قاله يعد نشرا للكراهية والعداء داخل المجتمع الهولندي.

هولندا ومواجهة العنصرية ضد المسلمين

عادة ما يأتي خطاب ملكة هولندا في كل عام, وتحديدًا في خلال ما يسمى بأعياد الميلاد, في جو من الاحتفالات، ما يعتبره البعض فرصة للتلهّي واللهو وهدايا الميلاد، ففي مثل هذه المناسبات ينسى الهولنديون كل همومهم ليرتاحوا من رتابة العمل إلى المتعة بعد سنة صاخبة، فسياسيًا شغل الحديث عن الإرهاب عالم الإعلام والسياسة وبدا الوضع في هولندا مشحونًا ضد الأجانب، وخاصة المسلمين منهم، وتتالت القوانين والتشريعات التي تحد من حرية الفرد وحقوقه تحت غطاء محاربة ما يسمى بالإرهاب والأصولية.
وجاء خطاب الملكة الموسمي الوحيد خلال نهاية هذه السنة -حسب الدستور الهولندي- على أن لا يتطرق إلى الحياة السياسية، إلا أن خطابها هذه المرة تضمن فقرات سياسية واضحة، حيث أكدت على احترام الأقليات واحترام العقائد وثقافات الآخرين، ووجهت نداءً من أجل التسامح والسلام، مؤكدة على رفض ونبذ العنف اللفظي والفعلي اللذين يمسان من تقاليد هولندا الديمقراطية ويهددان السلم الاجتماعي، في إشارة نقد واضحة "لخيرت فيلدرس" وحزبه الذي انتهج مواقف حادة ومستفزة تجاه الأقلية المسلمة، عندما اعتبر الوجود الإسلامي "تسونامي" يضرب هولندا وأوروبا، وطالب المسلمين بالتخلي عن نصف القرآن الكريم؛ لكي يستطيعوا العيش في هولندا، وطالب بحظر تداول المصحف الشريف حتى في المساجد والدوائر الدينية.. وأنتج فيلمًا تلفزيونيًا مستفزًا حول القرآن الكريم، يتوقع عرضه في غضون أشهر، في قنوات تلفزيونية هولندية عامة وخاصة وعلى "الانترنت".
ويعتبر هذا الفيلم تتمة لفيلم "الخضوع" الذي صدر العام 2004 للمخرج السينمائي "ثيو فان خوخ"، والكاتبة البرلمانية السابقة "أيان هرسي علي" التي اتهمت الإسلام بأنه يحض على العنف ضد المرأة. وتطرق الفيلم لسوء معاملة النساء في الإسلام، وبين مشاهد أجساد نساء عاريات كتبت عليها آيات قرآنية، وبعد ثلاثة أشهر من عرض الفيلم، اغتيل "ثيو فان خوخ" على يد شاب مغربي، وتلت هذه الحادثة ردود أفعال كثيرة، تفاقم الوضع الأمني على إثرها، وسجلت أكثر من مائتي حادثة ضد المسلمين، تنوعت بين الشتم في الطريق العام والاعتداء على المحجبات وإحراق المساجد والمدارس والمؤسسات الإسلامية.
إلا أن "فلدرس" هذه المرة، انتقد خطاب الملكة الأخير الخاص بأعياد الميلاد، لتضمنه محتوى سياسي موجه ضد حزبه، واعتبر الملكة شخص لم يُختر ولا يمكن محاسبته سياسيًا، ولذلك طالب بتعديل الدستور ليضع حدًا لتدخل الملكة في الحياة السياسية وعزلها عن شئون الحكومة.
وقد أثار "فلدرس" بهذا الموقف، استياء الأحزاب والتيارات الأخرى الليبرالية واليمينية. ومن جانبه قال رئيس الحكومة "بلكننده": إنه موافق على ما جاء في خطاب الملكة وسيدافع عنه، واتهم "فيلدرس" بالعمل لغير مصالح هولندا الداخلية والخارجية..
ومن هنا فقد جاء خطاب الملكة أشبه بـ"تسونامي"، مضاد لما يدعيه دعاة الديمقراطية في هولندا، وكان كذالك مضادًا، في الوقت نفسه، لمحاولات "لثني فلدرس"وأمثاله عن الإساءة إلى الإسلام، بكتابات وأعمال فنية مستفزة، ومتزامنًا في الوقت نفسه مع تحذير الاستخبارات الهولندية من تدهور أمني في البلاد، بعد رصد تحركات غاضبة من جمعيات ومراكز ومؤسسات إسلامية تدعو إلى الاحتجاج ضد عرض "الفيلم" المشار إليه، الذي يعد انتهاكًا ضد حقوق المواطنة لأكثر من مليون مواطن مسلم هولندي، بل ويهين أكثر من مليار مسلم في العالم.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

THE NETHERLANDS: Preview of Wilders' movie?

Geert Wilders' movie - Forbidden (Sneak preview) which is denied by Wilders to be his, Wilders' movie will be worse then this one. Right now Wilders is in Israel.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Netherlands: Geert Wilders ‘politician of the year’

Anti-Islamic outsider is top Dutch politician

By Michael Steen in Amsterdam

Geert Wilders, who compares the Koran to Mein Kampf, has been named the Netherlands’ politician of the year in a poll run by public broadcaster NOS.
Mr Wilders’ pithy and shocking soundbites – he warned of a “tsunami of Islamisation” – have dominated headlines, while his parliamentary outbursts have brought an adversarial style of politics to the muted consensus to which the Dutch are attuned.

His latest project, a short film about the Koran that will be released next month, has stirred anger even before much is known about it. Mr Wilders, who has had round-the-clock protection for three years due to the death threats against him, says the film will illustrate how the Koran inspires people “to do the worst things”.

* Creeps: why don’t you want to know?

He has called for the Koran to be banned. “With this film I’m trying to show not only in words but also images exactly what I mean,” he says.

Mindful of the backlash provoked by the publication in Danish newspapers in 2005 of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, government ministers have expressed concern but said there is not much they can do. Some public figures outside parliament have called for a movement against Mr Wilders.

* Transalation: cowardly leftist scum who ride on the Muhammedan ticket want Wilders silenced, therefore they are shitting themselves over a guy who has balls…

The murders in 2002 of Pim Fortuyn, a pioneer of Dutch anti-immigration and anti-Islam politics, and in 2005 of Theo van Gogh, the director of a film critical of Islam, have pushed immigration and the failure to integrate large Muslim communities to the top of the Dutch political agenda.

Mr Wilders’ proposed solutions are deeply radical: stop all Muslim immigration, ban the building of mosques and ask the 1m Muslims among the Dutch population of 16m to “go to their own countries” or give up their religion.
* Since when is self-preservation ‘radical?’

He remains a highly controversial outsider and – many Dutch Muslims and non-Muslims alike would rather not discuss him. But his Party for Freedom, the PVV, won nine of 150 seats in parliament in the last election and it regularly polls above that level.

Mr Wilders has spent a career in public service and sat as an MP for the mainstream Liberal party, the VVD, for five years before breaking away in 2004. He has always demonstrated a feel for the popular mood. He was among those who campaigned for the surprise Dutch No vote against the European constitution in 2005. “Wilders knows his way around the parliament and he’s good at the work,” says Luuk van Middelaar, the Dutch political philosopher who worked alongside him as a political adviser to the Liberal party.

That is perhaps one advantage Mr Wilders has over politicians such as Christoph Blocher, who was ejected from Switzerland’s government this month, or parties such as the far-right Vlaams Belang in Belgium, subject to a long-standing “cordon sanitaire” by the other parties.

The NOS poll naming him politician of the year combined votes from the public and those of the parliamentary press corps. Mr Wilders, who denies being racist, usually says the press is biased against him.

* Once again: repeat after me: Islam is not a race, Islam is a political ideology, Islam is a totalitarian doctrine that wants you conquered, dead or forcibly converted…
The film project prompted Doekle Terpstra, a former trades unionist, to call for the movement against Mr Wilders. “It is time to send a powerful signal to all the Muslims in our country,” Mr Terpstra wrote. “The sound of Wilders is not the sound of the Netherlands.”


* We shall see, Mr Terpstra. We shall see. Perhaps the sound of squeaking traitors like you running the gauntlet is more pleasing to your ears?